Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Minty Fresh

Hey everybody, How are you all doing? I'm fine. No preamble today straight to business. I installed LinuxMint on one of my computers last Sunday and on Tuesday I re-installed Ubuntu. They are both the same operating system! Give me one hour at the most, and my Ubuntu computer would be exactly the same as LinuxMint. I knew that LinuxMint was based on Ubuntu but I did not realize that there weren't a lot of difference between both. By the time I switched back to Ubuntu, My LinuxMint was looking and feeling like the Ubuntu it had replaced. So I asked myself, Norm why did we change? And my answer was to try something different. There is not enough different in LinuxMint to warrant the change from Ubuntu. Now if you do not use either and you felt adventurous you could switch to one or the other and you would be pleasantly surprised. I think that if you are trying Linux for the first time and are not and “expert” in the art of frigging around tweaking this and that, go with LinuxMint. I noticed that multimedia codecs were installed by default.

On other news I am trying the new and improved compiz-fusion on this machine and all I have to say is WOW! I know, you might be saying to yourself that eye candy is not useful at all for productivity, but, there is always a but, damn it shure looks perty.

Now to the million dollar question. Which of the following desktop should I use on my computer? I know that you know that I know that ultimately I'll decide what goes on my computer but I'll pretend that I give a rats ass what you think and maybe you can influence my decision one way or the other. So please vote, early and vote often.

That's it, that's all.


Unknown said...

Your selection of desk top was really good.
I took the blue martini because the red one only have one olive

Norm said...

Ah... But the blue has none?!