Thursday, October 12, 2006

Something Else to Try

Hello everybody. I am going straight to the point today, no pre-amble. Nothing witty before one of my rants. Nothing to make you laugh. Nothing to make you think. None of my pet peeves. Just straight to what I have to say, no banter, no interlude. No waste of time here.

I have just finished installing Windows Vista RC2 in VMWare on my computer. I have not had the time to play with it so I can't really tell you what is new, except that it has gadgets, if you have apple or you downloaded a product from yahoo they used to be called widgets. It looks nice. Is it worth upgrading to it? I haven't worked with it long enough to say. I'll keep you posted. I must say though that I had to install it as an upgrade because I did want to spend hours on finding drivers that will work with it. Another thing about it is you will need an Ubercomputer to run it. As I said I am running it in VMWare and I have allocated 750 megs of RAM and it is sluggish when I try to do more than two things at the time. I have installed Windows Live OneCare as my protection, since my anti virus of choice, Kaspersky, does not work with it. Time will tell if it is worth it. ( )

On to another topic on I'll probably try Mandriva Linux 2007. You can get a copy when you purchase a copy of Linux Magazine Issue#72 on sale now, or you could just download it, I found it on one of those pesky torrent sites.

I am now done, I have no more time to write, I have to go to work. See ya later.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Complete Failure

I have failed to install Mac OS X on my Kubuntu computer using VMWare. That is right I have failed. I haven't given up, I have retreated and I am rounding up my troups and will attack later. In other words I have postponed trying it again after spending about 6 hours on it and not succeeding. Instead I installed FreeBSD an BSD Unix operating system ( ). I'll work on that one until I am good at it. FreeBSD is sorta like linux, but it is not linux. I have a lot to learn yet before I become a master.

I am sure you have heard about the FireFox vulnerability that was on the Internet for 2 straight days. It was a hoax. I am informing you about this since the Internet news services were talking about this "vulnerability" and now that it is known as a hoax I only saw one story about it.

Symantic and McAfee are crying foul over MS vista having it's own virus protection. I thing that these two companies are bottom feeders since they don't want a secure operating system out there because they'll be out of a job. I am siding with Microsoft on this issue.

That is it for now, See ya later