Friday, September 14, 2007

Damn Those Updates

Last post I was proud to announce that I finally got compiz-fusion working on my lap top. Yesterday their was an update for compiz-fusion. It don't work no more! I haven't taken the time to try and fix it, hopefully it is nothing major. I can turn it on but after a few seconds it kicks me out back to my regular metacity windows manager with no eye popping desktop.

The desktop effects the compiz-fusion are totally useless for productivity but they keep me amused and happy, and you know what they say: "an amused and happy Norm is a lot better than a pissed off and angry Norm." It's true they all say that, I'm not lying. Check it out you'll see.

That it for now. I had a long day and in a few hours I have to be at work.

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