This weekend I tried to install GoblinX on Virtualbox and it did not work out. I think that the CD I burned was corrupt. I am out of discs so I couldn't burn another one and try this one. I'll try again when I get the chance to buy some discs. I'll keep you posted on the GoblinX front. Maybe I'll try again tonight because I am intrigued by GoblinX.
On my OpenGEU box I installed some updates this weekend and I did not lose sound, whoopee! OpenGeu will live to see another day. Unless I decide to install GoblinX on this computer. The next time I format my computers I'll set them up so that I can install more than one GNU/Linux OS so that I can try more than a few distro at the time.
That is it for this short post. I only have one more to write before the end of the month and I hope it is about installing GoblinX on a virtual machine.
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