I decided to start a web site/page. A few months ago I had decided to start a web page. I wracked my brain to find a suitable name. I had decided on to go with "www.dirtymartini.ca", I wanted a dot com site but it was already taken. Then I was trying to decide what to do on this site, this took way too long, is taking too long, since I have not decided yet. Today I decide to take the plunge and register the web site. Low and behold, I took too long to do it and somebody else has taken it. That is what happen because of procrastination, see earlier post.
I have now decided on another web address after deciding not to use www.logizomechanophobia.com/.ca. I was trying to find a word for the fear of Internet. Internet phobia is not cryptic enough. I then decided on www.phobophobia.ca, the fear of fear. No that won't do. Let go on another tangent here, did you know that there is such a thing as fear of chopsticks? Yes the fear of chopsticks is Consecotaleophobia!
I must get back to my train of thought. How about this for a site address
www.hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.ca, too lon
g a word to remember (fear of long words, a bit exaggerated). In the same vain as I found logizomechanophobia the fear of computer. I almost decided to go with this. But it was still too long. I continued to look at the phobia list ( http://phobialist.com/ ) until I was starting to get agateophobic (fear of insanity). I then decided to go with a Latin word. The word I decided on is sort of a private joke, that will not be if I continue writing in this over long post. (There is no word for fear of rambling on, and on, and on, and on, and on...) I decide to go with, drum roll: www.spurius.ca. Take out you Latin to English dictionaries out and find out what it means.
In a few days I'll have activation notice from my web host and then I'll build it and do something. I hope I'll have something in mind for the site by then.
P.S. spurius, in its English and Spanish form, is a sobriquet I have used before on the Internet.
P.P.S. If you wondering about the picture, this week I got The Beatles Love CD/DVD audio, and I don't know if this is sacrilegious to say I like it, it is different. Buy it now because Paul will need the money to pay off his future gold digging ex.
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