Sunday, November 26, 2006
Now Introducing ...
I have now decided on another web address after deciding not to use I was trying to find a word for the fear of Internet. Internet phobia is not cryptic enough. I then decided on, the fear of fear. No that won't do. Let go on another tangent here, did you know that there is such a thing as fear of chopsticks? Yes the fear of chopsticks is Consecotaleophobia!
I must get back to my train of thought. How about this for a site address, too long a word to remember (fear of long words, a bit exaggerated). In the same vain as I found logizomechanophobia the fear of computer. I almost decided to go with this. But it was still too long. I continued to look at the phobia list ( ) until I was starting to get agateophobic (fear of insanity). I then decided to go with a Latin word. The word I decided on is sort of a private joke, that will not be if I continue writing in this over long post. (There is no word for fear of rambling on, and on, and on, and on, and on...) I decide to go with, drum roll: Take out you Latin to English dictionaries out and find out what it means.
In a few days I'll have activation notice from my web host and then I'll build it and do something. I hope I'll have something in mind for the site by then.
P.S. spurius, in its English and Spanish form, is a sobriquet I have used before on the Internet.
P.P.S. If you wondering about the picture, this week I got The Beatles Love CD/DVD audio, and I don't know if this is sacrilegious to say I like it, it is different. Buy it now because Paul will need the money to pay off his future gold digging ex.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Night Out
Since the last time I posted something I reformatted my computer, I sort of lost me /home directory when I was fiddling about. I now know a chmod command that will make stuff disappear. I lost a whole bunch of data 26 Gigs worth, got most of it back. Other that that not much has been happening with me.
Back to Borat, The frat boys that are bringing the producer to court are showing us that the impressions of them we had in the movie are all true! They should stop their partying and start studying since they are not too bright. The first lesson I have for them is: if a producer starts feeding you with booze so that you can appear in a movie, be suspicious. Didn't their parents tell them when they were young not to accept candy from a stranger?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Living On The Edge
Last week I updated my Kubuntu machines from 6.06 code name Dapper Drake to 6.10 code name Edgy Eft. There were a few hitches in the update process. According to a few posting that I have read in the last few days, if I didn't use my computer the process would have gone with out any problems.
One of the posts got me thinking, when I used Windows for all my computing needs I was constantly worried about virus', made sure that I was updating windows every time there was an update, scan everything I downloaded... All these usual nuisances. With Ubuntu/Kubuntu there are newer versions coming out every 6 months, The next one is 7.04 code name Feisty Fawn. With these major updates every 6 months, I wonder why most linux users don't complain. For years they have been saying the reason they changed to linux is because of all the reasons I stated above, and yet when Ubuntu has a new distribution, hurray!! The reason I switched was because I like to try new stuff. I don't think that I'll switch back to Windows, but never say never. The only thing that I miss from Windows is playing games and utorrent. I know, I know, I can run utorrent using wine and I can play games using cedega but I install it I'll have issues when I upgrade to Feisty Fawn.
That is my two cents worth for this time around. See ya later
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Something Else to Try
I have just finished installing Windows Vista RC2 in VMWare on my computer. I have not had the time to play with it so I can't really tell you what is new, except that it has gadgets, if you have apple or you downloaded a product from yahoo they used to be called widgets. It looks nice. Is it worth upgrading to it? I haven't worked with it long enough to say. I'll keep you posted. I must say though that I had to install it as an upgrade because I did want to spend hours on finding drivers that will work with it. Another thing about it is you will need an Ubercomputer to run it. As I said I am running it in VMWare and I have allocated 750 megs of RAM and it is sluggish when I try to do more than two things at the time. I have installed Windows Live OneCare as my protection, since my anti virus of choice, Kaspersky, does not work with it. Time will tell if it is worth it. ( )
On to another topic on I'll probably try Mandriva Linux 2007. You can get a copy when you purchase a copy of Linux Magazine Issue#72 on sale now, or you could just download it, I found it on one of those pesky torrent sites.
I am now done, I have no more time to write, I have to go to work. See ya later.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Complete Failure
I am sure you have heard about the FireFox vulnerability that was on the Internet for 2 straight days. It was a hoax. I am informing you about this since the Internet news services were talking about this "vulnerability" and now that it is known as a hoax I only saw one story about it.
Symantic and McAfee are crying foul over MS vista having it's own virus protection. I thing that these two companies are bottom feeders since they don't want a secure operating system out there because they'll be out of a job. I am siding with Microsoft on this issue.
That is it for now, See ya later
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Too Many Stats!
I think I have been omitting some items you may find interesting. First off I have been talking about Windows and Linux. Most people already know about Windows since about 95% of all computer have a version of it installed. A bit less than 4% use MacOS, and guess what only .47% use linux, any form of linux. Can you believe that? Well I can, since most of us want to lead our lives with the least obstacles in our path, when we get a computer, windows is on it, why change it? My personal answer is: because I can. I know that after trying two linux flavors I will probably never go back to 100% Windows. I think that most people would find it hard to work with linux, because it is not the same as Windows. I think we shouldn't knock each other choice of OS. I also think that we should try something else, you know what they say “variety is the spice of life”.
With that said here are a few links to free linux operating systems, so that if you choose too you can try it and decide for yourself. You can find SuSE at: , Ubuntu at: , Kubuntu at: , Fedora at: , and there are a lot more out there. I decided to link only to free distributions so that you can try it with no money going out of your pockets. Maybe one day Windows will loose a big chunk of its market share (I think it will) since security, for us users, doesn't seem to be on its agenda. They say it is and they'll prove it with Vista. Only time will tell. Once upon a time Internet Explorer had over 90% of the market share, now it is around 82% and Firefox did not exist until 2004 and 12% of us Internet surfers now use it. I believe that with better products out there everybody benefits.
For a future project I'll be attempting to install a MacOS in Vmware so that I'll have the ability to work with three OS's, no discrimination here. I guess that is it for this time. See you all later.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A Window on Linux
I still don't know what the picture I posted last time, I guess I'll never know. I am scanning the virtual Windows as I am writing this and I already have 3 minor spyware threats. A fresh install, connect to the internet to download updates and spyware/adware protection and Windows is already letting stuff in the backdoor.
On "the Site" front, there is no front! Nothing has been done, that procrastination thing again (see the post titled Procrastination). The good new is that I am posting more often now. Well, maybe that is bad news.
That's all I have for now, see ya.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Guess What?
Hello again. Back so soon you might say, I forgot to put something in the last blog entry. Can you guess what this picture is? One of my friends, which will remain nameless, email me this last Friday, and when I received it I asked Jacques "what is it?" If you can guess what it is I won't be giving you fabulous prizes. I'll be eternally grateful.
On the computing front I am now running Kubuntu. I prefer the KDE desktop over the Gnome desktop. (Please no hate mail).
Until next time, keep on thinking outside the box (I hate that f#!@ing expression). I think that the thinking outside the box expression was coined by an ENRON director when they were cooking the books to show they where making money. Did you know that Fortune named Enron "America's Most Innovative Company" for six consecutive years. Now that "thinking outside the box". (Here's looking at you Paul, another friend that will remain nameless.)
See ya next time.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Just for Fun
I am still working with the Ubuntu operating system, let me tell you those who like it, like it a lot. I am amazed how easy it is. I read everywhere that when changing from Windows to linux, SuSE was the way to go. I beg to differ Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu are the way to go.
I guess that's it for this time. Hopefully the next blog entry will have a link to my new site.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
It's Been a Long Time
What is new with me you might ask yourself? Not much! that is why there were no blogs. I should not say that, there are new things and new projects in the works. You might not see another blog from me for another while.
I am now trying Ubuntu as a operating system, just installed it yesterday. I think I like it better than SuSE. Easier to install, takes about 15 minutes to install instead of one hour and a half with SuSE (I install both gnome and kde in SuSE). I install xgl and compiz on new machine and my desktop is now so freaky that sometimes it give me a headache, no I think the lack of sleep is giving me a headache. I should say that both are giving me a headache. Am I giving you a headache with this rambling about headaches? Ramble, ramble, Oooo my head hurts. Enough about headaches, mine is getting worst.
I've got a bit of work to do until it is perfect with me. I have decide to play around with a web site. Work on that project should start by the end of the year. Is that a long enough time for my perpetual procrastination? (see last blog). I will start working on the site by next weekend. I'll tell you the name I chose in a future posting.
I guess I'll let you go for now, since you all have headaches.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I am thinking of creating my on web page. I don't know what to do. Today I have been thinking of domain names and all the one I want are taken.,,, etc. I thought of, but I don't want to be sued. Why have a web page when I have blogger you might ask? I am asking myself the same question. To be (on the internet) or not to be (on the internet)? That is the question. An answer will be forthcoming . Remember my definition of procrastination above well I'm using it now.
I won't be mentioning my life with SuSE this time around, because nothing has changed since the last time (that damn procrastination again!). I said I would add pictures to this blog I hope you like it. I actually thought of only putting pictures of food like last time, but I think it would have gotten old fast. Instead I'll post pictures that have nothing to do with this blog.
Until next time keep on rocking in the free world.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
I'm Back
Enough about that I mention that I am now doing everything I use to do with XP with SuSE. I am actually thinking of reformating my computer again, because I don't like the partitions I created when going to dual operating systems. I think I'll keep on thinking about it for a while because as a stated above I don't have a lot of free time anymore. The next time I format my computer I might go with Ubuntu instead of SuSE. Ubuntu's desktop is Gnome instead of KDE, another thing to learn.
I'm thinking of adding picture to future entries so come back to view it, it might look better.
See >>>>>>>>>>>>
Doesn't that look good? Do you feel hungry? Huuummm, pork.
Next time I'll put a picture that makes sense with what I write in the blog. This was a test, a test to provoke an emotional response.
I have just learned how to import pictures from my digital camera while using Linux. I'm telling you this is a blast! I now believe that most people should use an easy Linux distribution like SuSE instead of windows. Why shell out a small fortune for an operating system that crashes all the time, has serious security problems and is susceptible to viruses all the time when you can get a free, I'll repeat FREE, operating system that is very robust and virtually immune to viruses and very secure. It a no brainer. Some people will say more there are more programs out there for windows, yes there is, but if you want to burn a CD or DVD with windows you'll have to buy a program with Linux you don't have to. If you want to play games you can use a program called wine and it work on Linux.
Enough of this rant, I just love SuSE and my computer. Keep on rocking and please come back, I'm begging you. Bye.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The Trek Continues
Last night I saw The DaVinci Code. It was not as dreadful as almost all the critics are making it to be. I think that the critics do not want to offend the religious fanatics out there who are so insecure in their believes, they don't want anything out there that might temp them to leave the path to righteous. It's entertainment, for goodness sakes!
Since the DaVinci Code came out, I decided to read Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco another time. Now this is a book that should be made in a movie. This books is a satire on all the Templars/Masons conspiracies. It isn't an easy read but once it gets going it engulfs you and you can't put it down until it lets go of you. Get it. Read It.
Now I have to get back at the book so let you go until next time.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Falling of the wagon
I am alright now I learned a few more tricks with a Linux operating system and to relieve my windows fixes I might get, I install Wine on computer. Wine is a program that allows Linux users to run windows programs. Amazing isn't it? I thought so. Tomorrow is my day off so I'll try a few new thing with Linux. I'll keep you posted.
I already told you about my father's condition, He cannot do any work for 3 months, so yesterday I went there to mow the lawn. I ended up doing a few more things for them. Today my back is killing me!
Gotta go
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Baby Steps
The area I am having most problems with are installations. Being used to windows, where everything is press a button and it works, it is supposed to anyway, with linux I have to make sure everything I need is already on the box before I install, this is a great inconvenience. Well I guess I'll continue at it until I get better at it. You know what they say Rome wasn't built in a day.
On a personal note, yesterday I bought a BBQ. Everybody says that it is a BBQ from star trek since it doesn't look like a BBQ, I don't care what they says, I needed a BBQ and I got a great deal, and I ate a delicious burger last evening :p
Gotta go get ready for work now, till next time keep on barbecuing.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Back At It
This post will be short and sweet since I want to play around with SuSE some more I'll say bye to you all.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
New Ball Game
It took me 1 hour to connect to the internet, I have an external ADSL modem. Before I gave up for the day I was trying to install plug ins for Firefox and could not find where it was installed. The filling system in a linux base is totally different than XP. Right now it make no sense to me. I have alot of things to learn and to figure out.
On a personal note, my father was released from the hospital yesterday. He's been operated for an aortic aneurism. An aorte is usually 33mm in diameter and they operate when it swells to 40mm, my fathers was at an amazing 100mm. The surgeon says that he was lucky that it didn't rupture. My father has gout and because of the surgery, he could not take his indocide so his foot is killing him he says that it is worse that the operation. I am very glad that he is alright. I love you dad.
Enough of "Adventures in medicine". I won't be playing with my computer this weekend since I'll be going to my parents for the long weekend.
That's it for now, til next time, bye.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Installing Windows
I changed my mind on how I'll partition my HD, 50 GB for XP, 32 GB shared (FAT32) and the rest (158 GB) for openSUSE.
I guess I'll get back to work, don't tell my boss I'm doing this at work.
I have to go since my co worker, Paul is making fun of me and I have to defend my honour.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Ready, Set, Go!
I'll do the windows install first since I know what I am doing. I'll leave the Linux install for a later install. I don't think that I can install both tonight because it is getting late. Tomorrow I am working for 12 hours so I won't be doing it then either. I guess I'll do it monday or tuesday since I'll be out of town for the weekend.
I'll be installing a legal copy of XP home edition, for the last year and a half I was using a pirated corporate edition. I am getting tired of trying, and succeeding, of beating the genuine windows validation tool. I want to concentrate on Linux from now on.
That's it for today, I'll keep you posted
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
A beginning
The main purpose of this exercise is to describe to you my experience of switching over from a Windows XP computer to a OpenSUSE computer. I'll also throw in some stuff happening in my life or comment on the news and such. Maybe a few jokes, maybe not, I haven't decided yet. This will be a work in progress. I hope to inform and hopefully entertain you.
Within the next few days, maybe weeks, I'll install OpenSUSE 10.1 on my computer. I expect to have a dual boot computer, I need a safety blanket, so I am going to keep Windows XP on another partition, just in case!
I have about 110 gigs of my hard drives filled up with files. Tonight I'll start backing up this data, when I'm done I'll do the dual install.
At this point I still haven't decided if I'll go with KDE or Gnome. Apparently switching from Windows is easier with KDE and switching from Apple is easier with Gnome. I don't know if I'll take the "easy" way or the more complicated route.
Well I guess that's it for the first post, I hope that you the reader will keep coming back and see the progress or the mishaps I am making.