Today I was going to tweak the
Rockbox installation on my iPod. My Plan Changed.
Rockbox is a firmware for iPod and other media players. I had installed it four days ago and I installed a few themes. I expected to

install patches to show album covers and stuff like that. The
Rockbox firmware allows users to drag and drop files directly in the iPod.
Rockbox users can play more music
formats then with the original iPod firmware, more games (Doom), even screen savers. If you have a mp3 player you should try
Rockbox. For those of you that are not sure you want to switch over when you install
Rockbox you don't get rid of the original iPod firmware you can switch from one firmware to another quite easily.
I have learnt something new today. One must at least learn something new everyday or everything becomes stagnant. I learnt that when you plug in your iPod to your computer and on the iPods screen you see displayed "Do Not Disconnect", well follow that instruction to the letter, even if you have waited half an hour for some date to be written on the iPod. My iPod could not read the information that was on it. I had 25GB that was on the iPod but I could not play it. Can you believe it I crashed my iPod. At first I decided to drag the music files out of the iPod and on to my computer, but when I saw that it would take 7 hours I decided to revert my iPod to factory state and start anew.
At this point of the day about six hours have past and I am currently installing songs on the 'Pod I 've already installed
Rockbox and while I was waiting for songs to upload to the iPod I found a build of
Rockbox already patched with a few. You can find it at this link:
here. I have a bunch of work to do since I have to go throu my CD collection and convert some files to mp3 again. I guess I'll have my hands full for the next few days.
I really enjoy my new laptop, aka Kramer, but I am disappointed with Dell. I also ordered a carrying case and a wireless mouse which originally should have been shipped on August 29. Dell pushed back the shipping to September fourth. Then to September 14th and yesterday when I checked they delayed it once again, this time until October 16th. I guess I'll have to wait. I am very happy that it was not my computer that was delayed for so long. I'll still recommend Dell for their computers, this is my second one from them and so far I am satisfied with their products.
Well I guess I'll call it quits for today and upload more music to the 'Pod. Until next time.