Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Too Many Stats!

I think I have been omitting some items you may find interesting. First off I have been talking about Windows and Linux. Most people already know about Windows since about 95% of all computer have a version of it installed. A bit less than 4% use MacOS, and guess what only .47% use linux, any form of linux. Can you believe that? Well I can, since most of us want to lead our lives with the least obstacles in our path, when we get a computer, windows is on it, why change it? My personal answer is: because I can. I know that after trying two linux flavors I will probably never go back to 100% Windows. I think that most people would find it hard to work with linux, because it is not the same as Windows. I think we shouldn't knock each other choice of OS. I also think that we should try something else, you know what they say “variety is the spice of life”.

With that said here are a few links to free linux operating systems, so that if you choose too you can try it and decide for yourself. You can find SuSE at: , Ubuntu at: , Kubuntu at: , Fedora at: , and there are a lot more out there. I decided to link only to free distributions so that you can try it with no money going out of your pockets. Maybe one day Windows will loose a big chunk of its market share (I think it will) since security, for us users, doesn't seem to be on its agenda. They say it is and they'll prove it with Vista. Only time will tell. Once upon a time Internet Explorer had over 90% of the market share, now it is around 82% and Firefox did not exist until 2004 and 12% of us Internet surfers now use it. I believe that with better products out there everybody benefits.

For a future project I'll be attempting to install a MacOS in Vmware so that I'll have the ability to work with three OS's, no discrimination here. I guess that is it for this time. See you all later.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Window on Linux

Today I installed VMware on my Kubuntu box. For the layman this means I can run in a window another operating system. I installed Windows XP pro. I also installed an anti-virus program, Kaspersky, which also provides a firewall. I decided to try Kaspersky firewall instead of XP's, and I installed Window Defender and Spybot – Search and Destroy to protect XP from spyware and adware. I didn't miss using these electronic prophylactics to protect my computer from all the ITD's (Internet Transmitted Disease). I almost forgot that it takes more time installing the protection than the protected. All this hassle so that I can try something new, am I a glutton for punishment? I guess I am.

I still don't know what the picture I posted last time, I guess I'll never know. I am scanning the virtual Windows as I am writing this and I already have 3 minor spyware threats. A fresh install, connect to the internet to download updates and spyware/adware protection and Windows is already letting stuff in the backdoor.

On "the Site" front, there is no front! Nothing has been done, that procrastination thing again (see the post titled Procrastination). The good new is that I am posting more often now. Well, maybe that is bad news.

That's all I have for now, see ya.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Guess What?

Hello again. Back so soon you might say, I forgot to put something in the last blog entry. Can you guess what this picture is? One of my friends, which will remain nameless, email me this last Friday, and when I received it I asked Jacques "what is it?" If you can guess what it is I won't be giving you fabulous prizes. I'll be eternally grateful.

On the computing front I am now running Kubuntu. I prefer the KDE desktop over the Gnome desktop. (Please no hate mail).

Until next time, keep on thinking outside the box (I hate that f#!@ing expression). I think that the thinking outside the box expression was coined by an ENRON director when they were cooking the books to show they where making money. Did you know that Fortune named Enron "America's Most Innovative Company" for six consecutive years. Now that "thinking outside the box". (Here's looking at you Paul, another friend that will remain nameless.)

See ya next time.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just for Fun

Hi everybody! You did not have to wait a month or two for this blog entry. I decided that I would report on what I have been doing the last week, NOTHING! So I guess this is going to be short and sweet.

I am still working with the Ubuntu operating system, let me tell you those who like it, like it a lot. I am amazed how easy it is. I read everywhere that when changing from Windows to linux, SuSE was the way to go. I beg to differ Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu are the way to go.

I guess that's it for this time. Hopefully the next blog entry will have a link to my new site.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's Been a Long Time

When everybody thought it was over, its head pops back up and it roars "Hello, I'm back!" It's been a long time, hopefully the wait was worth it? You tell me. I basically took the summer off of blogging. I actually took weeks off of computing! That is right, you read that correctly I turn off my computer for two straight weeks. Now that is amazing if I have to say so myself.

What is new with me you might ask yourself? Not much! that is why there were no blogs. I should not say that, there are new things and new projects in the works. You might not see another blog from me for another while.

I am now trying Ubuntu as a operating system, just installed it yesterday. I think I like it better than SuSE. Easier to install, takes about 15 minutes to install instead of one hour and a half with SuSE (I install both gnome and kde in SuSE). I install xgl and compiz on new machine and my desktop is now so freaky that sometimes it give me a headache, no I think the lack of sleep is giving me a headache. I should say that both are giving me a headache. Am I giving you a headache with this rambling about headaches? Ramble, ramble, Oooo my head hurts. Enough about headaches, mine is getting worst.

I've got a bit of work to do until it is perfect with me. I have decide to play around with a web site. Work on that project should start by the end of the year. Is that a long enough time for my perpetual procrastination? (see last blog). I will start working on the site by next weekend. I'll tell you the name I chose in a future posting.

I guess I'll let you go for now, since you all have headaches.