Enough about that I mention that I am now doing everything I use to do with XP with SuSE. I am actually thinking of reformating my computer again, because I don't like the partitions I created when going to dual operating systems. I think I'll keep on thinking about it for a while because as a stated above I don't have a lot of free time anymore. The next time I format my computer I might go with Ubuntu instead of SuSE. Ubuntu's desktop is Gnome instead of KDE, another thing to learn.

I'm thinking of adding picture to future entries so come back to view it, it might look better.
See >>>>>>>>>>>>
Doesn't that look good? Do you feel hungry? Huuummm, pork.
Next time I'll put a picture that makes sense with what I write in the blog. This was a test, a test to provoke an emotional response.
I have just learned how to import pictures from my digital camera while using Linux. I'm telling you this is a blast! I now believe that most people should use an easy Linux distribution like SuSE instead of windows. Why shell out a small fortune for an operating system that crashes all the time, has serious security problems and is susceptible to viruses all the time when you can get a free, I'll repeat FREE, operating system that is very robust and virtually immune to viruses and very secure. It a no brainer. Some people will say more there are more programs out there for windows, yes there is, but if you want to burn a CD or DVD with windows you'll have to buy a program with Linux you don't have to. If you want to play games you can use a program called wine and it work on Linux.
Enough of this rant, I just love SuSE and my computer. Keep on rocking and please come back, I'm begging you. Bye.